In the lower left-hand corner, you’ll see two icons. Click on the icon of a counterclockwise arrow to return to the previous screen. The globe icon beneath moves you to the Hangar screen. MAIN AIRCRAFT SCREEN When you choose a particular aircraft at the Hangar or the Era screen, you’ll see the name of the aircraft on the left-hand side of the screen, along with the menu choices below. You’ll always see a video about the aircraft the first time you enter that plane’s screen. If you wish to watch any video again, click on the Camera icon. Stories Click on this to read stories about a particular aircraft. To read the stories, either click on the story titles on the “satchel label” or on the numbers on the “file folders.” Click on the right-hand edge of the book to turn ahead a page, and click on the left-hand edge to move back a page. To hear a pilot interview, click on any radio tower icon when reading a story.